As a young, professional and China national high tech enterprise, headquartered in Shenzhen, the most dynamic economic special zone, IDEA international Development Ltd(‘IDEA 'for short), concentrated on design, R&D, and global sales of 4G LTE devices and Handset-centric smart wearable (Iot), dedicated to providing customers with state-of-the-art and differentiated products, bringing the smarter life to end users.
设计说明在接触思路名扬之后项目组对思路名扬的企业文化及业务进行了整理及包装,梳理后确定了各个内容的展示优先级,最后对思路名扬官网进行了整体的排版规划及视觉设计 思路名扬官网严格按照品牌VI规范严格进行,在配色方面,官网应用了天蓝为辅色调呼应,形成了整体划一的企业调性。